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November 2nd, 2018

Protecting Telephone-based Payments

Protecting telephone-based payments in the contact center is not a new initiative or a new conversation. However, that conversation is about to take center stage again with the much anticipated update to the PCI DSS document, Protecting Telephone-based Payment Card Data, rumored to hit the streets sometime between now and January of 2019.

Once such technology that will continue to be a focus area for contact centers that accept telephone-based payments is DTMF masking. DTMF masking is a technology that effectively eliminates the verbal exchange of cardholder data by allowing customers to enter their information via their touch tone keypad. Cardholder data is never spoken; therefore, never heard.

DTMF masking can also eliminate the need to transfer callers to an IVR and/or third-party for PCI DSS compliance, eliminating the risk of dropped calls and payment abandonment.

In addition to providing customers a sense of security not having to verbalize their sensitive information, DTMF masking technology also allows the customer and agent to remain connected through the entire call process, leading to increased customer satisfaction.

From a PCI DSS compliance perspective, DTMF masking technology provides the following benefits:

  • Removes agents’ desktop PC from PCI scope

  • Lowers average payment transaction times

  • Eliminates the need for call recordings “pause and resume”

  • Allows for complete call recording for quality control purposes

  • Shrinks PCI DSS footprint

Solutions are not Equal

There are a few companies that offer DTMF Masking solutions for contact centers. Each solution results in a secure agent-assisted payment experience, but the integration and the infrastructure approach differ by vendor. The number of ACD contact center locations, voice protocols, call routing impacts, ability to manage physical device distribution and host system integration are all considerations that should be explored. Be sure to research all solutions and choose the right one for you and your agents.

IntraNext Systems has developed contact center software for over 20 years and specializes in CTI and DTMF Masking technology.