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January 5th, 2018

Heavy Lifting Not Required

For many contact center leaders, enhanced fraud prevention, increased data security, and regulatory compliance are on the top of the to-do list for 2018.  As you begin (or continue) the process of researching the options that are available to you, keep in mind full system disruption and a complete overhaul of your infrastructure isn’t always necessary.  You can update your house without a full-blown remodel.

There are many full-service providers that offer a suite of solutions for contact centers.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with the service options that they provide; however, changing your full platform can be expensive and time-consuming with possible disruption to your business operations and your customers.  In many cases current contact center platforms are optimal and efficient, they may just be missing a few of the newer technology capabilities that are designed for fraud prevention, data security, and regulatory compliance. 

Don’t be fooled into believing that the newer technology options are only available with a full platform overhaul.  You can realize the benefits of technology by partnering with software solution providers that integrate into your existing environment, protecting your current infrastructure investment.

Some of the software services that can be integrated into your current environment without full system overhauls include:

  • Pre-call forensics and call authentication to detect and prevent fraudulent callers from gaining access to account information. This is an effective first step in fraud prevention.

  • DTMF data capture in live agent call environments effectively eliminating the verbal exchange of sensitive data; assisting with adherence to stringent guidelines put forth by many regulatory agencies.

  • Tokenization in sensitive data transactions (primarily used in payment related transactions) eliminating the risk of sensitive information being decrypted and misused.

Integration into your existing systems via third-party software vendors is possible and is a financially reasonable option to enhance fraud prevention, increase data security, and adhere to regulatory compliance measures.  Working with vendors that specialize in different areas of the call process can result in big gains without the heavy lifting. 

As you check off your to-do list for 2018, consider updating your current house without a full-blown remodel!

IntraNext Systems offers Event Intelligence ™ (Computer Telephony Integration (CTI)) and iGuard™ (DTMF data capture) software solutions for contact centers.